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Laws, Regulations and cases (348)

Laws Laws regulations regulations regulations regulations
abstract academic acker actions acts administrative admiralty affairs agencies allow allows ancient appeal apply appointed arab arbitration argued asia athens attempt austin authority banking baron believed benefit binding blackwell bodies books border broad brody bureaucracy bureaucratic businesses cabin cambridge canon carbolic carry chamber chancellor chapter chicago china civil claim coase code codes codification codified collective commercial commission commonly commons communities companies comparative compensation competition complex computer concept concern concerns conflict consideration constitution constitutional constitutions consumer content contract convention core corporate corporation council courts creation crime criminal critique current custom decisions definition democracy democratic dependencies der deregulation des dictionary dispute distinct distinction doctor donoghue duty dworkin eastern economic economics economy edited edition egypt elected election empire en engineering enrichment environmental equity essentially ethics etymology eu european event examples exchange executive existed existence expense external failure featured features financial formed foundation framework france friedrich fundamental german germany glenn global govern governance government greek haggard hammurabi hart heavily hegel hobbes houses humanity independent india individuals influenced instance institute institutions intellectual interaction introduction involve iran islamic issues jewel journal judge judges judicial judiciary jurisdiction jurisprudence justice justification kant kelsen king kingdom labour laws lawyer lease legal legislation legislature lex liability limited lives locke logan london lord management manufacturer markets martinus mehren mercatoria montesquieu muslim national navigation negligence nietzsche nijhoff norms northern obligation oecd offer online opportunities ordinary organisation original outcome oxford parliaments parties philosophy politics portal practice precedent presidential prevent primary privacy procedure produce profession protection publishers publishing raz recognition refers reform regulation regulatory relations relationship represent representative republic requires restitution retrieved review rights robertson role roman rome ronald rule ruled rules saint sandford scholars science search security separate separately servants serve sharia smith social sociologie sociology software source sovereign standards stanford statute statutory stein stone structure studies subjects sued supreme territories text texts title tort torts trade trademark trading tradition traditions transaction transcontinental treatise trust trustee trusts typical uk united unjust version von war weber wills

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