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General Statistics of Europe (314)

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affairs africa ages allow americas ancient animal antiquity application applied asia asian atlantic austria bahasa baltic baltica basa battle bayesian bbc bc berlin books borders bosnia boundary britain britannica broad cambridge capital caspian catholic caucasus caused centuries christianity cia cities classical climate collection columbia commonly complex computing concept confidence connection constitute content continent continents continuous correlation council cultural culture current currently cyprus debt declared decline defined definition demographic density derived description descriptive deviation dictionary differences discipline distribution divided don drug eastern economic economies economy emigration empire error estimate estimates ethnic eu eurasia euro europa european eurozone events eventually experiment experimental experiments factbook facto famine fell fields finland forest forests formed foundation france gdp geographer geographic geographical geography geological geology german germanic germany greece greek guide gulf habitat herodotus historical hitler holy hungary hypothesis iceland included independence independent industrial inference integration interpretation interval ireland iron islam islands italy journal kingdom languages largest leading legal levels lies limited linear lives london mainland majority malta manipulation map mathematical mathematics meaningful measured measurement medieval mediterranean megalithic methodology migration minority misuse mixed modeling models modified moldova mountainous mountains national nato navigation needing neolithic netherlands news nobility northern notes null numerical observational observations observed ocean official online ottoman oxford penguin peninsula percentage philosophy physiographically plague plain poland politics populations portal portion portugal powers probability procedure productivity protestant protocol publication random recession recognised refer region regional regions regression renaissance representative republic researcher resources retrieved revolution rise roman romania rome russia sample sampling scandinavia science scientific sea search serbia share significance social sociology source sovereign soviet spain species split spoken spread statistical statistician statistics studies surrounding survey taiga territories testing tests textbooks tools transcontinental tree trend tribes unemployment united ural variable variant variation vast war wars water wealth wigen worker

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