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General Statistics of Africa (316)

Africa Africa statistics statistics statistics
academic africa african africans algeria ancient angola application applied arab arabian architecture asante asia asian atlantic au australopithecus bahasa basa bayesian bbc bc berber border bronze cambridge cape capital caused centuries ceuta climate coast coastal collection colonial colonialism commons computer computing confidence conflict congo content continent continents correlation covers cretaceous cricket culture cup dance dated deforestation democratic demographic density descriptive deviation dictionary differences discipline distinct distribution drug earliest eastern economic economy egypt egyptian empire environment equatorial era error estimated estimates ethiopia european event examples experiment experimental experiments external fauna fields focus fossil geographic geography ghana global government greek guide guinea hawthorne homo humans hypothesis ife igbo increasing increasingly independence independent indian indigenous inference interpretation interval islam islamic islands jurassic kenya key kingdom languages largest levels libya lies linear madagascar majority malagasy manipulation map mathematical mathematics meaningful measurement media mediterranean melilla methodology migration minority misuse modeling models modified morocco movements muslim national navigation news nigeria northern null numerical observational observations observed ocean official online origin oxford oyo parliament patterns peoples permanent politics populations portal poverty powers probability procedure productivity protocol publishers random recognition refers region regions regression representative represented republic researcher resource retrieved rights roman rule sahara sample sampling san scholars science scientific sea search significance slave slavery slaves social source soviet spanish spoken sport spread statistical statistician statistics strata studies sudan suez survey tanzania territories territory testing tests text textbooks tools trade traditional tribe tunisia uganda united variable variety war yoruba zimbabwe

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