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Earth Sciences of Africa (556)

Africa Africa Africa
ability academy accepted actions afarensis africa african africans afrikaans ages agriculture ahrens al algeria allowed alongside altitude ancient angola animal antarctica apart aphelion apparent applied arab arabian architecture argument aronowitz asante asia asian aspect asphaug asteroid astronomical astronomy astrophysical atlantic atmosphere atmospheric au australian australopithecus authority axial axis bahasa basa bbc bc belief believed belt berber billion biological biology biomes biosphere bodies books border boundaries boundary britannica broad bulge california cambridge cape capital carbon caused causing celestial cell centuries ceuta changing characteristics chemical chemistry circulation cities civil civilization claim classification classified climate coast coastal colonial colonialism combination commons communities complex component composed composition computational concept concerning conflict congo consensus consisting consists constants content continent continental continents convection core creates creation creative cretaceous cricket critical critiques crust cultural culture cup current currently cycle dance dated debate definition deforestation deity democratic demographics density depth des desert details determine developing diameter dictionary differences dinosaur dioxide discoveries discovery discussion distinct diversity divided earliest eastern ecology economic economy egypt egyptian elevation empire empirical energy engineering environment environmental equator equatorial equinox era erosion escape essay essential estimated ethics ethiopia ethnic etymology european event evolution evolutionary exactly examples exist expanded experiment experimental experimentation experiments explain explanations external extinction extreme factor fate fauna featured features feyerabend feynman fields focus formal formation formed fossil foundation framework france fringe gained gas gases genesis geographic geography geological geology geophysical ghana giant glaciation global gould government gravitational greek greenhouse grew guinea habitable handbook health heat height hemisphere highest homo humans hydrogen hydrosphere hypotheses hypothesis ice ife igbo igneous impact includes increasing increasingly independence independent indian indigenous inhabitants inner institute institution integrated interaction interior iron islam islamic islands isotope journal journalism journals junk jurassic kenya kingdom laboratory lake languages largest latin latitude laws layer levels library libya liquid lithosphere located location logic london loss luminosity lunar madagascar magazine magnetic majority mantle map mars mathematical mathematics meant measurement media mediterranean melilla methane methodological milky millions minerals minority model modified molecular molecule moon morocco motion movements museum muslim nasa national navigation news nigeria northern notes notion object objective objects observation observatory occur occurred ocean oceanic oceans oldest online orbit orbital origin outer outline oxford oxide oxygen oyo ozone pacific parliament partially patterns peninsula peoples perihelion periods permanent perspective phenomena phenomenon philosopher philosophical philosophy physical physics plains planet planetary planets plate plates polar pole politics popular portal portuguese poverty powers precipitation primary proceedings processes produce produced pseudoscience psychology publication published publishers publishing quantities radiation radius random ranging reaches reaching reducing refer reference region regions relationship relative remained remaining remains represented republic require resource retrieved review revolution rise rock role roman rotation roughly routledge royal rule sahara sahrawi saint san satellite scale science sciences scientific scientist sea search seasonal seasons separated settlement shape sidereal slave slavery slaves smith social societies soil solar solid source sovereign soviet spain spanish species sphere spheroid spoken sport spread stable star statistics steady strata structure studies sudan suez supercontinents sustain tanzania technology tectonic terrestrial territories tested text theoretical theories thermal tidal tilt tilted tools trace trade traditional transaction treaties triassic tribe tropical tunisia twentieth typically uganda united universal universe upper usgs valley vapor variation varies variety vegetation velocity views volcanic war water weather wikisource williams winter yoruba zimbabwe zone

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