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Prophetic Books of Old Testament (224)

Testament books books
abstracts acknowledged actions adhere ages album ancient antiquity apply audiovisual author authors avrin binding blank block bookbinding bookdownload bookmark books bookstore bound cambridge centuries chained check china chinese christ christianity cite claimed classification code codex collection commonly commons concise contact content copies cover creative culture current definition details deutsch dictionary digital disclaimers discussion divine document dogrib donate dream dynasty earliest edge edit endpaper enoch epistle etymology event examples expensive external featured features fiction file foil fold folded folio format foundation gathered genre gift glued gold gospel greek gripped guide gutenberg hardback hebrew holy individuals industrial ink inspired instance intended interaction invented involve islam islamic jesus jewish journal languages latin leather leaves leila letterpress libraries library lists location log machine magazines maimonides manufacturing manuscript medieval message metal modified monks movable namespaces native navigation notes novel novels online oxford paperback papers papyrus parchment permanent physical plate popular portal pressed presses print printed printer printing privacy produce produced prophecies prophecy prophesied prophet prophetic prophets publication published publisher publishing pulp quantities random reader reference referred registered relate reliable retrieved revelation roller roman root saint scribe script scripture scroll search separate sequence sewing sheet sides signature sizes smaller smith source speaker spine spiritual spoilage spread stack stored stories tablet tall tanakh technique testament text texts title toolbox tools torah typesetting typically variants version views waking water wax width wood writings

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