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Comparative Psychology (156)

Comparative Comparative Compare psychology thought
abraham affective ancient animal applied approaches artificial aspect assessment attempt behavior behavioral behaviorism behaviorists behaviors belmont biological biopsychosocial blum brain cambridge classical clinical cognition cognitive cognitivism computational conditioning conduct conducted content controlled covert criticism cultural current depth descriptive developmental dictionary eclectic educational effectiveness emotion emotional empirical environments ethical ethics event existential experiment experimental experiments factor focused foundation freud functional functions german gestalt guidelines harlow health humanistic humans hypotheses included independent individuals industrial interaction introduction issues journal laboratory learning london longitudinal memory mental model modeling models needing neural neuropsychology neuroscience observation observed occupational occur organizational oxford participant perception personality perspective phenomena philosopher philosophy portal positive practice processes professional proposed psychiatrist psychoanalysis psychoanalyst psychoanalytic psychodynamic psychological psychologist psychology psychotherapy purple qualitative quantitative refers relationship researcher retrieved role science sciences scientific setting sigmund skinner social statistical studies subfield subjective subjects survey task teaching techniques theoretical theories therapeutic therapy trait typically unconscious usa variable wundt

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