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United States (973)

abortion abstract accounts active adult affairs africa african agency airport alaska amendment americans ancestry angeles archived armed arts asia asian associated atlantic bank barack billion birth britain budget bureau bush california canada capita capital census centers centre china cia cities citizen civil classical climate coalition coast code colonial colonies columbia compared constitution constitutional contact contiguous continental continue council courts crime cuisine cultural culture current deaths decades declaration declared democracy democratic demographic depression dept destiny diplomatic disease division dollar economic economy elected election energy enforcement era estimated estimates european exchange executive expansion expenditures external factbook fifty film football founded france gdp geography global government governments gulf health highest highly hispanic historical hollywood household immigrants immigration incarceration income independence india indian indigenous industrial inequality institute institution insurance intelligence iraq islands japan japanese johnson judicial justice kingdom korea languages largest laws leading legal legislative levels london los mainland mandate media median metro metropolitan mexico mountain msa national nationmaster native net netherland northeast nuclear official oil original oxford pacific park parties passenger penalty permanent petroleum pew philosophy plain plants policies politics pop popular populations portal possesses poverty powers presidential primary priorities prison produced product project puerto ranked ranking rates recognized reform region regions representative republic republican reserve resident resource retrieved review revolution rico rights rise rocky role russia saint science sector security senate settlers sex site slave slavery slaves social source southwest soviet spanish species spending spoken sports spurred st statistical statistics status studies supreme survey technological television territories territory texas theater thirteen trade traditions transportation travel trend trillion united units usa victory virgin vote war wars wave wealth won writers

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