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South Asia; India (954)

abrahamic accessed administrative affair afghanistan africa alliance americas ancient andaman andhra animal annual anthem appointed arab arabia arabian architecture archived arts asia asian assam australia awarded bahasa bangladesh bank basa bay bbc beliefs bengal bengali bharat bihar billion bombay books bordering britannica buddhism buddhist burma cambodia cambridge canada capita capital caucasus census centre china christmas cia cities civilizations classical climate coalition coast cocos commons commonwealth concept concise considers consists constitution constitutional content continent continents continue convention cooperation council courts cover cricket cultural culture cup current cyprus dance decade defence defined definition delhi democracy democratic density dependent derived describe desert details deutsch developing dikshit distinct diverse diversity division earliest eastern economic economies economy edition elected emirates empire encyclopaedia energy etymology european events exchange executive external extremely factbook families fauna file financial flag flora folk football forest forests formed foundation games gana gandhi gdp geographic geographical geography ghats global government gradually greek heritage highest himalaya hindi hindu hinduism historical hockey hong increasingly independence independent india indian indonesia indus informatics institute iran islamic islands israel jammu janata japan japanese johnson journal judiciary kashmir kerala kingdom kong korea landmass languages lanka largest laureate legal legislature library lie linguistic lists literacy located lok london maharashtra mainland majority malaysia mana map marriage minister ministry mountains mughal mumbai muslim mythology nadu named names national navigation news nicobar nobel nominal northern notable nuclear ocean oceania official officially oldest online originated outsourcing oxford pacific pakistan parliament parliamentary parties peninsular permanent persian perspective philippine philosophical philosophy physical plate played poems politics popular populous portal portion ppp pradesh prime prize profile protected publications publishing rajya ranges rates reach reform region regional regions relations religions republic resources retrieved review rights role routledge rule rural russia sabha sanskrit saudi schwartzberg science sea search sector share singapore social source southeast species spoken sport sri st statistics status steppe struggle studies styles subcontinent subregions summit supreme survey tagore taiwan tamil team technology territories territory text thailand tiger timor trade tradition traditional traditions transcontinental trophy tropical turkey united ural urban valley vedic vietnam war water wildlife wind won writer yemen

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