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France and Monaco (944)

France France
absolute administrative affairs africa african ages airbus aircraft airline airport alleged ancient andorra anglican annual architect architecture arrondissements asia assembly atlantic australia bahasa baroque bbc belief billion birth bordering bosnia bridge buildings calling cap capetian capita capital carbon carlo carrier casino castle cathedral catholic centre centuries champions championship channel china cia cities citizen civil climate coast code coins collectivities collectivity colonial commemorative commission commons communes comparable compared condamine connections consists constitution constitutional content continental council created crown cuisine culture cup currency current currently czech dans declaration defence democratic demographics departments dependencies derived des designs despite details died dispute divided division domain du duke eastern economic economy eiffel elected emissions empire employment en energy environment equipped estimated eu euro european event examples executive exists expanded exporter extensive external factbook famous features fifa financial flag fontvieille football formula founding franc france francia francophonie frankish franks frigates futuna games gaul gaulle gdp geographic geography german germany global gothic government grand greece greek grimaldi guiana guide harbour haven health hercule highest hosted hosts identified includes income independence indonesia influential insee institute institution investment ireland islands italian italy japan jewish king kingdom kings labour languages largest latin laundering laws leading league legal les library limited linked located loire lowest luxembourg macedonia majority marianne marine mediterranean metropolitan michel milliard minister ministry mirage missile monaco monarchy monde monegasque monetary mont monte municipality muslim naming napoleonic national nationale navigation navy netherlands network news nice nicolas northern notation nuclear observer occitan occupied ocean oecd officers official officially older olympic opposed organisation overseas pacific palace paris park parliament permanent pierre played plays politics polynesia popular port portal possesses possession practice primary prince principality prix professional project proposed quarters rainier rally ranked ranking rates recognised referred reform regime region regional regions reign relation remained remains replaced republic residential resort resources restriction retains retrieved revolution rights roman rome royal rugby ruled rural russia saint san scale sea sector security separator ships site social source sovereign sovereignty spain spoken sport st stade status subdivided submarines switzerland takes team temple territorial territories territory text toulouse tour tourism tourist tournament traditional transport travel treaty unemployment unit united vatican versailles wallis war ward wars weapons winter worldwide writer wto zone

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