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ability access actions add adding agent alu ancient application applied architecture arithmetic artificial aspect assembly audio bahasa basa behaviour billions binary biological books boolean boston broad bug cache calculation calculator california cambridge capable card carry causal cell channel chemical chemistry circuit classified code codes colossus command commercial commonly commons communicate communication completed complex complicated component computation computational computer computers computing concept concepts concerning conscious content context core corporation counter cpu created creative critical critiques culture current debate defined definition demonstrated depending derived des describe designs desktop details determine device dictionary digital discoveries discovery discussion disk display dna domestic drives editor educational electrical electronic embedded empirical energy engine engineering eniac entropy environmental error essay ethics etymology event examples execute experiment experimental experimentation experiments external features feyerabend feynman fields file flexible floridi focus formal foundation framework frequently fringe gate generation graphics hardware harvard health hypotheses hypothesis ibm increasingly indefinitely input institution instruction integrated intel intelligence interaction interface internet interpreted interrupt introduction invented jacquard journal journalism journals jump junk key keyboard languages latin laws leads library limited lists location logic logical loom machine magazine management manchester mark mathematical mathematics meant mechanical mechanism media memory message methodological microcomputer microprocessor minicomputer mobile model modified mouse multiprocessing multitasking national navigation network networking neumann news notes num objective observation online operating operations optical organism organizations output oxford paradigm partially particle patterns pc peer pentium perform performance performed performing phenomena phenomenon philosopher philosophical philosophy physical physics popular portal practical practice pragmatics prediction processing processor produced programmability programmable programmed programmer programming project proof pseudoscience psychology publication published publishing punched quantum ram random recorded records refer refers registers relationship reliability reliable represent representation represented resource restricted retrieved review revolution role rom routledge rule science sciences scientific scientist search semantic semiotics sensory separate sequence signal signs simulate social societies software source specialized speed spread storage store stored structure studies sum supercomputer syntax task technical technique technologies technology termed tested text theoretical theories thousands tools transformation turing typically unique unit universal user video viewed virtual von web windows write

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